Warmest Welcome!

Greetings world-wide-web and welcome to the realest, spunkiest blog out on the market. (No we are not for sale.) You can call us Natalie and Elizabeth, Nat and Liz, or whatever you fancy. (P.S. You can choose favorites later.)

Now, where were we? Oh yeah, one day not so long ago we decided to make a flipping blog. It went something like this:

Natalie: Liz, you are so smart. Let’s start a blog. Show everyone. 

Elizabeth: Natalie, why are you so wise? Yes, let’s. Share your brain with the world. 

Natalie: COOL! Let’s do this. 

 One ½ week later…. 

 Elizabeth: what the duck is the first post about?! (Let’s be real, swearing is so outdated.) 

Natalie: DUDE.  


And here we are folks.

We share a mutual goal when it comes to this fantabulous blog.

We hope to accumulate a solid fan base, not because we want to be famous (who would want that kind of responsibility other than baby Jesus himself) but to become your life line, to be your light on a dark day. Help you through the hard times or give you a laugh long overdue.

Well then… welcome. And we hope you enjoy blogging with us!


P.S. Questions and comments are HIGHLY appreciated. Dream on, folks!

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